Sue Bunyan

I started with RFCS in January 2021 as a Counsellor for the Dubbo/Orange areas.

I then made the switch to a business analyst but have decided to switch back to being a rural financial counsellor.

I have a Diploma in Business and Management, Cert IV in Workplace Training and Assessment, and Cert IV in Workplace Health and Safety.

I have previously owned a sheep property near Bourke NSW, before moving to St George QLD, then to Dubbo where we have a small farm breeding Brahman Cows.

I have worked in the agricultural construction area for over 35 years, my husband owns a small earthmoving business specialising in the development of irrigation infrastructure.

Before starting with RFCS I worked for Dubbo Regional Council for 11 years.

LGAs Covered: Narromine, Lachlan


Mobile: 0477 323 294

Role: Rural Financial Counsellor

The Rural Financial Counselling Service Program is funded by the Australian Government and the New South Wales Government and is administered by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry