Laureta Wallace


Laureta is a public relations professional specialising in the issues impacting agriculture and rural Australia. Currently, Laureta is the General Manager of Media & Communications with the National Farmers’ Federation, the peak body representing Australian farmers, based in Canberra. Laureta cut her teeth in media as a regional print journalist, in NSW and later in Western Australia. While in the West, Laureta held senior roles with the renowned Kondinin Group and in the grains industry. She also spent time as a political media advisor. Laureta is the former Secretary of the Australian Council of Agriculture Journalists and the former President of the Rural Press Club of Western Australia. Laureta holds a Bachelor of Communications, Bachelor of Laws and Graduate Diploma of Legal Practice. She is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors. Laureta has a life-long affinity with agriculture and regional communities hailing from her family’s sheep and cattle property near Dalgety on the spectacular Monaro.

Role: Board

The Rural Financial Counselling Service Program is funded by the Australian Government and the New South Wales Government and is administered by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry