Julie Casey

Julie originally joined the Rural Financial Counselling Service in 2011 and lives on a grazing property between Walgett & Lightning Ridge.

Julie has been in the northwest of NSW for 16 years originally coming a rural background in northern QLD later moving to the Darling Downs in QLD.

She is very familiar with the benefits on living on the land within a rural community. And of the challenges that are faced in operating both farm and rural businesses continually subject to the variabilities of climate and market fluctuations and is strong proponent for sustainable agricultural into the future.

Before obtaining her Diploma in Financial Counselling in 2012 she previously held roles within the small business. banking, business management, local government and employment service sectors giving her a broad business & financial management base to draw on when assisting the rural community in her role as Rural Financial Counsellor.

Julie has always enjoyed her role assisting farming families to navigate their way through the seasons and beyond.

She is based in Walgett servicing both Walgett & surrounding shires and welcomes you to contact her.

LGAs Covered: Brewarrina, Walgett

Email: julie@rfcsnsw.com.au

Mobile: 0427 282 048

Role: Rural Financial Counsellor

The Rural Financial Counselling Service Program is funded by the Australian Government and the New South Wales Government and is administered by the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry